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Research and Practice on Training Model Construction of Aerospace Skilled Personnel—Taking a Aerospace Workshop as an Example

, 思阳
Advances in Social Sciences (ASS) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2021.109345
Abstract: 不断提升生产现场技能人员的操作水平和相关意识是目前航天企业的一个工作重点。本文分析了航天技能人员的特点,明确了其所需具备意识和技能,提出了航天技能人员的培养模式建设新思路。该培养模式运用于航天某生产车间现场,取得了良好的效果。
To continuously improve the level of personnel skills and related awareness of skilled personnel is a key task for aerospace enterprise. In this paper, the characteristics of aerospace skilled personnel were analyzed, the awareness and skills which required were clarified, and a new method of training mode construction of aerospace skilled personnel was proposed. The training mode was applied to a workshop of aerospace enterprise and achieved good results.
Research and Thinking on Aerospace Products Acceptance Model Based on Process Confirmation

, 张华, 李志超
Advances in Social Sciences (ASS) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2021.109349
Abstract: 以运载火箭为例,本文阐述了当前航天产品的验收方式,分析了当前航天型号研制背景下对产品验收的新要求,提出了基于过程确认的产品验收模式,研究了该验收模式下的验收流程和验收内容,并对该验收模式下相关配套工作进行了明确。
Taking the launch vehicle as an example, in this paper, the current acceptance methods of aero-space products were expounded. The new requirements for products acceptance under the background of aerospace model development were analyzed. A product acceptance model based on process confirmation was proposed. The process and content of product acceptance under this mode were studied, and the related supporting work was clarified.
Research and Application for the Informatization of Aerospace Products Quality Review Management

, 王立炜, 王铮, 张华
Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology (JAST) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/JAST.2021.93010
Abstract: 质量评审是航天型号产品研制过程中的重要环节,分析了当前型号质量评审的现状和存在的问题,研究了型号质量评审信息化实现方式,以信息化手段为依托,研究并开发了型号产品质量评审管理系统并在研究院范围内上线应用,进一步规范了评审流程、提升了评审效率。
Aerospace products quality review is an important section in the process of product development. Current situation and problems during the process of quality review was analyzed, the way of information realization for products quality review was studied, and the aerospace products quality review management system was researched and developed based on the information technology. The information system was applied in the whole scope of the institute, which further standardized the review process and improved the efficiency.
化工进展 , 2010,
Abstract: 基于对动力电池在大负荷运行模式下的产热行为分析,组装了一种采用热管式冷却的电池热管理系统。在空气自然对流、强制对流和热管冷却3种模式下,研究了电池模块中各电池在放电过程的温度变化趋势。结果表明,镍氢MH-Ni动力电池采用热管式冷却方式具有良好的冷却效果,可确保电池在最佳的工作温度范围内运行,并且具有拉平电池温度的能力。与自然冷却及强制对流冷却相比,在3728mA电流放电情况下,热管冷却方式使电池温升最多可以降低10℃左右;持续放电8min后电池温度也不超过43℃。
化工进展 , 2010,
Abstract: 使用石蜡/石墨相变复合材料设计了单体电池和电池组,开展了动力型镍氢电池组散热的实验。通过测定电池在不同电流下放电过程中的温度变化,研究和比较了分别采用相变冷却技术与空气换热冷却技术的电池散热效果;并初步优化了石蜡/石墨复合相变材料的质量配比。实验结果表明,在1C放电倍率下,采用相变材料冷却相对于空气自然和强制对流冷却,电池温升分别降低14~18℃以及9~14℃。石蜡与石墨质量配比在4∶1时,电池组冷却效果达到最佳。相变材料填充的电池经过充放电循环后,电池性能没有显著劣化。
Research and Application of Aerospace Quality Award Management

王铮, 胡勇翔, , 胡云
Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology (JAST) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/JAST.2023.112010
Abstract: 质量奖励工作是航天质量管理的重要环节,是质量能力提升的重要抓手。本文分析了当前航天单位中质量奖励实施的现状和存在的问题,研究了优化实施质量奖励的方式和内容,并通过实践与应用,总结了从点到面的质量奖励工作机制,以期为质量奖励工作提供参考和借鉴。
Quality award is an important part of aerospace quality management and a significant channel for improving quality capability. This paper analyzed the current situation and existing problems of the implementation of quality awards in aerospace companies, studied the ways and contents of optimizing the implementation of quality awards, and summarized the working mechanism of quality awards from one point to entire area through practice and application, which may provide some reference and inspiration for quality awards.
计算机科学 , 2015, DOI: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2015.05.018
Abstract: 传统关于置信规则库参数训练模型的求解主要采用fmincon函数及群智能算法,但在算法设计中并未涉及所有的置信规则库参数,且缺少必要的专家干预。为解决这些问题,首先在现有参数模型的基础上进一步扩宽参与参数训练的置信规则库参数,然后设计出符合思维逻辑的专家干预的约束条件,最后结合差分进化算法提出具有更高收敛精度的置信规则库参数训练方法。在实验分析中,首先在多极值函数的实例中分析该方法的有效性,再在输油管道检漏的实例中检验专家干预的合理性及对比现有的其他参数训练方法。实验结果表明,该方法是有效可行的。
Study on Gender Differences in Residents’ Sports Activities during the Epidemic

Advances in Physical Sciences (APS) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/APS.2021.91013
The novel Coronavirus epidemic suddenly had a serious impact on the daily physical exercise of Chinese residents. Through literature review, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics, this paper analyzes the gender difference of daily physical exercise in the context of epidemic. The study found that there were significant gender differences in self-perceived health status, exercise frequency, exercise intensity, physical activity organization form and fitness skill mastery degree. Therefore, the mediating effect of sports should be highlighted to promote the publicity of fitness knowledge and improve the residents’ physical literacy; to promote the growth of sports con-sumption in the epidemic crisis and enrich the organizational forms of sports activities.
- , 2018, DOI: 10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.201706009
Abstract: 为考察纳米铜对自养脱氮亚硝化工艺的影响,在SBR反应器内分别进行短期影响实验(8 h)及长期影响实验(20 d),研究氨氮氧化速率、氮素转化规律及污泥性能的变化规律.短期实验结果表明,低质量浓度的纳米铜(≤1 mg/L)对亚硝化有促进作用,纳米铜质量浓度在3~30 mg/L内严重抑制自养脱氮亚硝化,氨氮氧化速率降低率为21.9%~44.9%.纳米铜为50 mg/L时,由于质量浓度过高导致纳米颗粒团簇,降低了真正作用于细胞的量,亚硝化活性得到强化.长期实验结果表明,长期暴露在低质量浓度(1 mg/L)的纳米铜环境中,氨氮氧化速率受到严重抑制,氨氮去除率从90%降低为44.8%,氨氧化细菌比亚硝酸盐氧化细菌对纳米铜更加敏感.在长期作用后,污泥中的铜含量增加,胞外聚合物含量增加,解除纳米铜抑制后,两者均降低.纳米铜对自养脱氮亚硝化工艺的微生物活性、脱氮能力、污泥性能均具有较大的影响.
The short-term and long-term effects of Cu nanoparticles (NPs) on partial nitrification (PN) process were studied in SBR. The ammonia oxidation rate, nitrogen removal and sludge property were analyzed within exposure of different concentrations of Cu NPs. The short-term result suggested that the Cu NPs with 1 mg/L was beneficial for PN process, while the NPs in 3-30 mg/L significantly inhibit PN. As a result, the ammonia oxidation rate decreased to 21.9%-44.9% of the initial value. When the Cu NPs was 50 mg/L, the PN process was enhanced, which was mainly because the aggregation reduced the actual concentration of NPs acting on the microorganisms. Long-term exposure within low Cu NPs (1 mg/L) could also suppress the PN process, and the ammonia removal efficiency decreased to 44.8% from 91%. The ammonia-oxidizing bacteria was more severe to the Cu NPs than nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. After the long-term exposure, the copper and extracellular polymeric substance in sludge both increased, and then decreased when no Cu NPs was added to the PN system anymore. Cu NPs performed a significant effect on microbial activity, nitrogen removal ability and sludge property.
Analysis and Solution of Lock Hopper Discharge Vibration of Coal Gasification in Quench Process

孙得,, 潘云阳
Clean Coal and Energy (CCE) , 2015, DOI: 10.12677/CCE.2015.34005
Coal water slurry gasification and chilling of pulverized coal gasification process adopt the lock hopper discharge process and are both facing a common problem that the vibration of lock hopper discharge is very obvious. The vibration changes as the process piping of each is different. In recent years, the design institute and coal gasification company have tested different kinds of solutions to solve the vibration of lock hopper, such as adding elastic support or corrugated hose, changing the way of flushing water pipe etc. All these solutions have some certain effects, but the problem still can’t be essentially solved. The vibration to high temperature and high pressure pipeline system, the equipment safe operation brings great risk. This article thoroughly solves this problem by analyzing the root cause of vibration.

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